(There are other merchants that ask to go off in search of better loot, and will leave the cave for a time if you allow it.) The blacksmith requires special Coals that you'll find here and there about the world, in order to infuse weapons with various stones (which provide various changes to your weapons, imbuing them with magic or fire or a better leveling stat in strength or dexterity and so forth.) And the first merchant in the Firelink Shrine asks you to bring her Ashes to expand her inventory. Magic (and Faith and Pyromancy) teachers require you to bring them magical tomes in order to expand the spell list they can teach you.

Merchants function quite a bit differently than they have in the past. But you still collect your NPC's and they come back to the Firelink Shrine to help you along your journey, as merchants mostly, and sometimes as NPC's with elaborate, opaque questlines, which lead to tough fights, summon signs, and usually loot. You can teleport to any bonfire you find right off the bat, which really changes the traversal of the game compared to the original. The Firelink Shrine serves more as a Nexus than it did in the first game, for instance. I suppose I may use them more over time, in the many subsequent playthroughs I'm sure I'll play in this delightful game. At times, however, they come in really handy-one boss fight in particular is almost impossible without a special weapon's special skill. I'll be honest, though: I mostly don't use the Skills for my weapons. Other times it's quite literally magical, bursting a sword into flame or casting a healing spell. Each weapon has one, though sometimes it's little more than a charge or special attack. Skills are basically magical abilities that use your "FP" or magic points. This should be especially interesting in PvP. Combat is much more akin to Dark Souls than anything, though a new Skills system gives a lot more variety and flexibility to gameplay. Sure, some of the Gothic towers off in the distance have a bit of that feel, but otherwise it's a game that shares almost nothing in common with the PS4 exclusive.

There's much less of Bloodborne here than the early screenshots and previews led us to believe.